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Psychic Life Coach BobbieG

Manifest your Dreams through Channeled Messages and Guidance


  • NAVIGATE FRIENDS, Jobs, & Relationships

  • be happier and more fulfilled

  • make better life choices

  • CreatE a dynamic rewarding life

  • Identify and release blocks to success

  • connect with your guides and spiritual gifts



Gregory is like a trusted confidant and friend who sees your potential, holds the space for your growth, and offers many suggestions on how you might reach your goals. The best part is, they do it without judgment, force, or a timeline.”

”Many times we see glimpses of clarity in our own lives. Gregory takes those glimpses, and cracks them wide open, so you have the confidence, insight, and focus to take the next step forward.”

”I appreciate the insights and clarity that Gregory offers for my life. When I feel confused or uncertain, their wisdom helps me move forward with more confidence and understanding. They also believe in me, and that level of unwarranted support absolutely warms my heart! They are amazingly smart and funny! What a great friend, and group of friends, to have by my side!
— Kym Coco

Namaste. I am Queen Mother Goddess Opulence Ra Ntr, owner of a Youtube channel in my name. For the past 8 or 9 years, Wednesday mornings I have found my self in the company of The Oracle called Bobbie G and her Gregory Continuum. Let me be clear there are numerous places I could have chosen to spend my time and energies. Healings, awakenings, love, growth, wisdom, messages of empowerment, comfort, and a growing community have been some of the many blessings that have come to me through my Wednesday blessings. Take the time to receive your gifts from Bobbie G and the Gregory Continuum. Love to you Bobbie and Gregory.
— Queen Mother Goddess Opulence Ra Ntr
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My journey with Bobbie and Gregory has expanded my knowing, my trust, and my friendship too. Bobbie has always reflected her heart, she walks the walk, and is one of the rare ones who can truly talk the talk. Bobbie shares her knowing, and is by far one of the most humble of our new Teachers. It is a pleasure to have her as a soul sister on this journey and all that she has offered to me with her guidance.
— Tricia Kelly, Author

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Treat Yourself to The Gregory Wisdom and Support